Kitchen is the heart of the community.

We prepare, cook & eat together as much as possible.

Collective groceries

Each Monday we collect money for groceries from each community member.

Price : $160 mxn / day

You can opt in for a week and eat cooked meals with us as well as prepare your own food async from collective groceries

If you choose to opt out from that option you can pay 100 mxn / meal paid right away to the Kitchen Lead or @Sonia Wendorff

With that option you are not entitled to use shared groceries or snack in the kitchen.

Use of the kitchen

You can store your food in the kitchen. If you don’t want it used by other members, please mark it clearly with your name!

We do not take responsibility for eaten food that was unmarked.

<aside> 🍽️ Kitchen etiquette

<aside> 🍴 We lead a vegetarian kitchen! No meat products stored and cooked in the communal space


<aside> 🍴 always clean up after yourself


<aside> 🍴 always disinfect the counters with a vinegar spray and cloth after use (vinegar spray is under the sink)


<aside> 🍴 unload the dish rack before use


<aside> 🍴 keep dry food in jars, sealed containers or cabinets to protect it from the insects and jungle animals


<aside> 🍴 Kitchen is not a hangout space - if you are not cooking, please transit to the dining room


<aside> 🍴 Put things back on their place

